Faith is a Journey and we are all wanting to grow in our Faith ... So, Don't stop believing God for yourself. Don't stop believing God for your children. Don't stop believing God for your Church ... In fact, wherever the Christian is involved the greatest thing we can do if God has called you to be there is to give the gift of faith, faith in an Almighty God ... When we were children we would sing, 'I am weak but He is strong' ... We are still weak, but the good news is, he is still Strong ... Truthfully, we should not even try to hide our weakness because we are so dependent on His strength ... God is trustworthy. He can hot a straight lick with a crooked stick ... He can call death to life ... He and he alone is God ... Here is our legacy, We Believe In Him! So, grab hold of His promises and live your life to the fullest ... Refuse to play it safe, stop being so self-protective ... If God is leading you to do something for Him, Do It! Get in Gear and Get after it ... Suppose I fail? So, what? You would rather die surging ahead than drown in a crowed sea of apathy and complacency ...
Our Riverstone Food Pantry Ministry is led by John and Vickie Woods. If you or someone you know is in need, please go to the church kitchen after service or speak with any of your church leaders who are here to serve.
If you would like to contribute to the Food Pantry Ministry, we would gratefully accept the following items. Please be mindful of expirations dates.