Riverstone Community Church of Jacksonville FL

Riverstone kicked off the new year with our new CORE ministry. CORE is one of the most important initiatives that our church has ever launched! This ministry is going to be the vehicle that allows us to touch souls for our Lord Jesus in a wonderful way! This time will give all STONIANS the opportunity to be involved in Biblical Study, Biblical Conversation, Biblical Fellowship, Biblical Encouragement, and Biblical Engagement in community! All of these benefits of CORE are integral to healthy, spiritual growth. We currently have seven CORE GROUPS that meet bi-weekly on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. starting on January 13. 



Core Group/Leader Core Group

Location of Gatherings

Ladies  Amanda Strickler Toddler’s Nursery Classroom
Young Married  Levi Rigdon Upstairs in the Preschool Classroom
Singles  Hink And Maddie Conway Church Office
Students And Middle School  Chris and Kelly Roop Student Classrooms
Children Carla Coffrin Children's Classroom
Nursery Tina Runkles and Aleshia Rigdon Nursery Room
Everyone else Marshall Thompson  Upstairs in Children's Dept.


The RCC Food Pantry Ministry is available for those in need
Our Riverstone Food Pantry Ministry is led by John and Vickie Woods...
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The RCC Food Pantry Ministry is available for those in need

Our Riverstone Food Pantry Ministry is led by John and Vickie Woods. If you or someone you know is in need, please go to the church kitchen after service or speak with any of your church leaders who are here to serve.


If you would like to contribute to the Food Pantry Ministry, we would gratefully accept the following items. Please be mindful of expirations dates.

Canned vegetables

Boxed dinners Dry beans
Boxed rice Can and dry milk
Pasta sauce Peanut Butter
Canned meat Jelly
Canned fruit Dry, condensed, ready to serve soup
Salt & Pepper shakers Diapers, wipes
Cooking Spray

Bath soap, Deodorant, Shampoo, Disposable razors,

Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Toilet tissue

Vegetable oil Store gift cards to purchase perishable items


















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Sunday, October 15, 2023
6800 West 5th Street Jacksonville, Fl. 32254 - Contact Us